Bookmarks for March 2nd
When I'm not blogging, I'm browsing. Here are sites and pages that I bookmarked on March 2nd:
Seal too friendly for its own good: The seal has become so friendly that she wraps her flippers around people's waists, holds them underwater and nibbles on their heads - all normal behavior between seals. But at 300 pounds, the seal's behavior is being interpreted as aggressive and intimidating.
Hokule'a voyage a valuable undertaking: Hokulea's next undertaking will take crews as far as India, Egypt, the Canary Islands and the Galapagos, across the Atlantic to the Caribbean and the Panama Canal before returning to the Hawaiian Islands.
A Cloud User Switches Clouds: Quality Behavior Outcomes, a behavior health agency in Hawaii, has moved several Web applications originally developed on Coghead over to Caspio Bridge, the vendor's app-hosting service.
2009 STEM HI Leadership Program Launch: Thanks to a partnership with complex administrators from the Pearl City school district, isisHawaii launched it's newest project, the STEM Hawaii Leadership Program, at Highlands Intermediate School.
Wave-Powered Monitor Is Moving Beyond Listening to Whales: Joe Rizzi and Roger Hine have created the Wave Glider, a vehicle that will allow them to help scientists understand climate change better and help the military to monitor the high seas.
UH astronomy director wins prize: Rolf-Peter Kudritzki, director of the University of Hawaii Institute for Astronomy, has been named for the highest award given to an astronomer in Germany.
Check out all my bookmarks on Delicious.