Bookmarks for November 5th
When I'm not blogging, I'm browsing. Here are sites and pages that I bookmarked on November 5th:
How He Did It: exclusive behind-the-scenes reporting from the McCain and Obama camps assembled by a special team of reporters who were granted year-long access on the condition that none of their findings appear until after Election Day.
Suddenly, it may be cool to be an American again: Obama captured it in his acceptance speech — this sense that despite holding America's feet to the fire, the rest of the world is rooting for it and wants it to lead and succeed. "Our destiny is shared," he said, "and a new dawn of American leadership is at hand."
Let's Make the Honeymoon Last: I think this moment has the potential to do for the U.S. what the Olympics did for China: show the world we've changed. I think it'll improve how Americans are perceived, and received, around the globe.
Copies of Washington Post Sell Out Within Hours: In this twittering, pod casting, screen-viewing, digital age, the morning after America's historic presidential election found hundreds of people clamoring for something a bit more old-fashioned and tangible: extra copies of the morning paper.
Check out all my bookmarks on Delicious.