Hawaii Drupal Users to Talk Shop on Thursday

The first ever conference devoted to the open source Drupal content management system is coming this Thursday. Drupal Camp Hawaii is taking place at ING Direct in Waikiki, and will bring together both beginners and experienced Drupal developers to explore the full potential of the platform.
While WordPress gets a lot of love as an easy-to-use, hackable platform for websites, may feel Drupal is a much more powerful (but also more complex) solution for more demanding applications.
The event is being organized under the auspices of DrupalHawaii.com, a new online community devoted to Drupal (that's powered by Drupal, of course). And at the helm, friend and perpetual organizer Judi Clark (who also helped plan the first Podcamp + Wordcamp in 2008) and web developer Monica Flores.
The schedule of sessions includes an overview of Drupal, a comparison between Drupal and other solutions (including WordPress), show and tell sessions (with Q&A), and hands-on mentoring and troubleshooting.
In addition to Judi and Monica, presenters include Christopher Hall, the web and social media coordinator for the Hawaii International Film Festival (the HIFF site is powered by Drupal), Jack Carrig of Anthology Marketing Group, Tyler Burke from Chapter Three, Jaspher Respicio from the Partners in Development Foundation, and search engine marketer Rob Bertholf.
Attendance is free, but registration is required. For more information, check out DrupalHawaii.com, the official Hawaii User Group or Drupal Camp Hawaii page on Drupal.org, or the DrupalHawaii.com Facebook page.