Children's Book Authors to Talk Shop Today

The Hawaii chapter of the Society of Children's Book Writers and Illustrators is hosting an open discussion about what it takes to become a children's book author today at the Hawaii State Library. Both would-be and established writers and illustrators can get advice and answers from a panel of five published authors in the free, 90-minute session.
I wasn't familiar with the SCBWI, nor did I know that there was a local chapter. It's a delightful discovery, like coming across the newly formed Hawaii Science Writers Association, but SCBWI Hawaii has been around since 2009. The connecting link for me was Lavonne Leong, who is a member of both groups and author of the kids book "Up in the Hawaiian Sky").
SCBWI Hawaii just held its annual conference in March.
Today's event, "So You Want to Write a Children's Book?", will feature Leslie Hayashi (who, in her other life as a state judge, married my wife Jen and I in 1997),Kirsten Carlson (also an HSWA member), Sue Cowing, Tammy Yee, and Nancy Reynolds. The panel of experts will explain the different categories of children's book, how to target a child audience, and how voice, language, and content are affected by the different stages of childhood development.
The discussion will take place in the Adult Reading Room this afternoon, Saturday, May 16, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. For more information on the event or the society, visit the SCBWI Hawaii website, or connect with the group on Facebook.