LOST on Trial
SPOILER ALERT! Justice moves swiftly in TV land. "LOST" took over much of the Capitol District in downtown Honolulu today, including parts of the Hawaii State Capitol and the nearby Laniakea YWCA. Deep inside the Capitol, a police interrogation. Across the street, a courtroom. But out front, it was a madhouse. It was the trial of Kate Austen, and it was a flash forward.
For Episode 4 of Season 4, the Capitol building played a Los Angeles courthouse this morning in a scene so dramatic it was reported to real newsrooms around Honolulu. Action is called. Kate arrives in a black Lincoln Town Car, with Los Angeles police cruiser and motorcycle escorts. A mob of people, plus journalist and TV news crews (news vans from channel 6 and 19 were on the scene), are waiting. The people boo, hiss, shout "Murderer!" from behind the barricades as Kate is ushered inside.
At first blush, it sounds like it could be a flashback, relating to one of Kate's many pre-crash crimes. But I have it on good authority that it was indeed a flash forward... although that fact may not be readily apparent as the story unfolds!
Security was unusually tight today, and sensing that, I kept my distance. As it turns out, though, fans weren't the only ones waved away. Responding to curious calls from the public, a crew from KITV — our local ABC affiliate, actually — was dispatched to file a brief segment. But their presence caused quite a stir, and they were told loudly and in no uncertain terms (by a co-executive producer, no less) to leave the premises. It was an unusual demand considering the public nature of the State Capitol building and the very philosophy of its open-air rotunda... and considering that "LOST" airs locally on the station.
So, while fictional news crews awaited their cue, KITV was ushered away. Even after relocating to the Eternal Flame war memorial across the street, someone was sent over to dissuade them from filming.
Speaking solely from personal experience, some members of the production crew are more tolerant of fans than others. For the most part, we all understand the others' interests. Nobody should trespass on private property, talent shouldn't be hassled, and photography is often limited. But, public streets and public facilities are usually fair game (though even I'll stand down if asked). For the most part, the enthusiasm of gathered fans is a net gain for the show, sustaining the most hardcore addicts during the long hiatus before Season 4 airs.
Sadly, today was not a good day for fans, or legitimate members of the press, and on public grounds no less. Like others, I was told to buzz off, and I did. However, thanks to an anonymous source, I'm still able to share some exclusive photos from this morning's work at the Capitol. Enjoy!

Here's hoping future location shoots this season can strike a better balance between the show's interests and that of its local fans. Friendly interaction, up front and in the open, surely beats the alternative. After all, everyone involved loves "LOST."