UPDATED: LOST Production Still Stalled

The writers strike may not officially be over, but I'm thrilled to report firsthand that "LOST" was filming today in Kahala. I was so stunned, I had to ask three people to make sure it wasn't just a local car commercial. If true, it's the best news to come out of the show since... well, since the spectacular ratings for its Season 4 premiere last Thursday.
"LOST" production has been stilled since November, when shooting was completed for the eight full scripts that were locked before the strike began. Fans have lamented the very likely prospect that they'd only get half of the already abbreviated 16-episode season as a result.
Even with a signed deal, it's been said, it could take some time to get production back up to full speed. It would depend on the availability of the cast and crew, as well as adjustments that may have to be made to the storyline. There's no chance at this point that we're going to see the last eight episodes scheduled for Season 4 this year. But if production has indeed restarted, there's a good chance we'll get a few more. And that's great news.

The scene involved a black Lincoln Navigator being driven by a white-haired man, who was talking to a dark-haired woman in the back seat as they drove (they were being towed behind a camera truck, actually) along Diamond Head Road. Neither character looked familiar, though there were cast trailers labeled for an "Alice" and a "Max" (and their stand-ins). Between those trailers, one familiar trailer labeled "Bender."
UPDATE: Was this a pick-up shoot? (Thanks, Lostpedia Blog.) Possibly. But considering shooting for Episode 4x08 already went long for pick-ups back in November, that sounds unlikely. Was it a shoot for the Lifetime Channel's "Special Delivery" made-for-TV movie? (Good catch, DocArzt.) Hmm. I admit, the "Alice" and "Max" character names are quite the coincidence. If it was for Lifetime and not ABC, they're using quite a bit of the same crew, equipment and vehicles that usually crowd the streets for "LOST."
UPDATE 2: Looks like it was a shoot for "Special Delivery." Apparently it's not unusual for one production to use another production's staff and assets, even leaving vehicle signage and trailer placards in place. As for the crewmembers who said "LOST" was back? I've obviously been punk'd. And I probably deserved it. So the bad news is, "LOST" production has not resumed, after all. The good news is, Jack Bender is not working on a Lifetime Channel flick. Sorry, all.