Nerd Night to Tackle Telescopes, Trails, Taxes

On Tuesday, the monthly Nerd Nite meetup will mix talk of space telescopes, economics, and hiking trails with music and beer.
Nerd Night Honolulu is part of a global network of events taking place in more than 90 cities. There are presentations, and they're not nearly as time-constrained as Pecha Kucha (five minutes) or Ignite (six minutes and 40 seconds). At about 20 minutes each, Nerd Nite presentations are more in-depth and intended to be fun and thought provoking... and if they're not, again, there's beer.
This next local event will welcome a visiting presenter, coming to Honolulu for the International Astronomical Union's General Assembly. Amber Straughn (@astraughnomer on Twitter) is an astrophysicist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center and the deputy project scientist for the James Webb Space Telescope.
Her presentation is titled, "Increasing the Awesome: NASA's Next Huge Space Telescope." The James Webb Space Telescope will be 100 times more powerful than the Hubble telescope, and is expected to be launched into space in 2018.
Things will return to earth with "It All Starts with a Trail," presented by Aaron J. Lowe, a specialist with the Division of Forestry and Wildlife at the state Department of Land & Natural Resources. He also recently served as a director with the Hawaii Ecotourism Association.
Finally, UH Manoa student Matthew Pflaum will present "Small Sums Can Go a Long Way: Rethinking Wealth Redistribution." Pflaum's studies are focused on economic development in the third world, social welfare, and inequality.
Nerd Night Honolulu is free, although donations are encouraged. It will take place on Tuesday, August 9 at Anna O'Brien's (2440 S. Beretania St.), doors open at 7:30 p.m. with talks beginning at 8 p.m.

Photo by Megan Cook, poster by Sam Howell.