Social Entrepreneur James Koshiba to Speak
The "Wayfinder Lecture Series" at Hawaii Public Radio continues this week, with Thursday night's presentation featuring social entrepreneur James Koshiba. Koshiba is co-founder of 3Point, a public interest research and consulting firm, as well as a co-founder of Kanu Hawaii.
The "Wayfinder" series is the brainchild of my friend and co-host Burt Lum and executive producer Beth-Ann Kozlovich.
Koshiba and Lum appeared on KGMB9's Sunrise morning show to discuss Thursday's event with Howard Dicus.
"It's going to be a combination of how very old-fashioned island wisdom can combine with some new technology to create movement around some of the issues we care about most," Koshiba says. "And when I say 'island wisdom,' I really mean that there's a handful of things that islanders know better than anybody else on earth."
He said the three main themes are:
We have to be good stewards of scarce resources.
It pays to get along with our neighbors.
We must invest in the self-reliance of our local communities.
Thursday's presentation begins at 6:30 p.m. Space at the Atherton Performing Arts Studio is limited, so call (808) 955-8821 for reservations.