Local Writers' Creations Featured at Fundraiser

The artists featured by Bamboo Ridge Press most commonly work in words, or in two-dimensions reflected on the page. But tomorrow, they are offering handmade items such as paintings, jewelry and other art as part of the press' annual "Wine & Words" fundraiser.
Bamboo Ridge Press is the state's oldest and longest-running independent literary press, and is also one of the oldest continuously publishing small presses in the nation. It's signature offerings, published twice a year, are literary journals, anthologies, or a book by a single author.
Tomorrow's fundraiser also celebrates the release of Issue #106, an anthology guest edited by local authors Gail N. Harada and Lisa Linn Kanae. The two will be the hosts of "Wine & Words," which will raise money to support the press.
"Here’s a fun and interactive way to take home one-of-a-kind artifacts by some of your favorite writers and artists," the invitation reads. "Join us for a night of literature and libations."
Among the items offered are jewelry pieces by by Cathy Song and Mavis Hara, a framed watercolor painting by Tamara Moan, a lauhala mat hand woven by Marcia Omura, and a Japanese noren (fabric room divider) hand-woven, dyed, and sewn by Ghislaine Chock.

Following a reception and "raffle" (hopefully not an actual raffle), there will also be author readings by Editors' Choice Award winners Rajiv Mohabir, K. L. Quilantang, Jr., and Joseph Han (who also have artwork featured in Issue #106), as well as online contest winner Misty-Lynn Sanico, co-founder of HawaiiReads.com.
"Wine & Words" will start at 6:30 p.m. at Manoa Valley Theatre (2833 E. Manoa Road), with readings beginning an hour later. The suggested donation is $35, with $30 of that tax deductible. To attend and support Bamboo Ridge Press, you can buy tickets online.
There will be other events devoted to the release of Issue #106.
A public launch event will be held on Oct. 1 at Manoa Public Library, and on Oct. 15, there will be "MIA" (Mixing Innovative Arts) readings at the Manifest Bar in Chinatown. Kapiolani Community College will host readings and a talkstory session at its Lama Library on Nov. 5, and finally there will be an "All-Stars" author event at Na Mea Hawaii native bookstore at Ward Warehouse on Nov. 15.